If no value or NULL is specified for this argument, it will first look for explain tables under current authorization ID, then under SYSTOOLS schema. 如果这个参数不指定值或者指定为NULL,那么它首先会查找当前授权ID下的解释表,然后再在SYSTOOLS模式下查找。
If this argument is null, then updatable cursors are used to modify the selected columns. 如果该参数为null,则使用可更新的游标来修改所选的列。
Listing 3 initializes a new Zend_Soap_Server object in non-WSDL mode, passing a null value as the first argument to the object constructor. 清单3传递一个null值到对象构造函数的第一个参数,以非WSDL模式初始化了一个新的ZendSoapServer对象。
The parent argument can be NULL for the/ proc root or a number of other values, depending upon where you want the file to be placed. parent参数可以为NULL(表示/proc根目录),也可以是很多其他值,这取决于我们希望将这个文件放到什么地方。
When you don't need to pass data along through send(), then just pass null as the argument to this method. 如果不需要通过send()传递数据,则只要传递null作为该方法的参数即可。
The outer() method calls inner() with an argument of null, which will result in inner() doing nothing. outer()方法用参数null调用inner(),结果是inner()什么也不做。
The NULL argument to spe_context_run would become a third argument to the main function on the SPE; there's no need for it in this example. specontextrun的NULL参数会成为SPE上main函数的第3个参数;因此在这个例子中不需要使用它。
What you get in your arguments are a reference to the "this" object ( this is for object methods and is NULL for plain old functions like bar()) and an argument tuple in args. 您从参数中得到的是一个对“this”对象的引用(this用于对象方法,对类似bar()这样的无参数的老式函数来说是NULL)和一个存储在args中的参数元组。
IllegalArgumentError is thrown every time an argument is not considered valid, for example, when a null value is passed to a method as a parameter. IllegalArgumentError在每次认为参数无效时抛出,例如,将null值作为参数传递给方法。
It's also why the unset method takes an argument, rather than just setting the service to null. 这也就是为什么unset方法还带个参数,而不是把服务设置为null的原因。
Studies of L1 acquisition of English indicate that English INFL and expletives play a crucial role in child language development. These structures trigger the unlearning of null arguments and the resetting of the null argument parameter. 母语习得研究发现,英语INFL和赘语在操英语儿童的语言习得中起着关键性作用,它们触发了儿童舍弃零主目,正确设置母语的零主目参数。